Advanced Linkedin Techniques

Webinar Thur 19th July 2012

My Last webinar on Sourcing for Recruiters proved massively popular. Therefore I have included the recording of one of the sessions More Advanced Sourcing for Recruiters.

Continuing from my previous webinars focusing on Google Operators, I am looking in detail at how different search engines operate and can give different results. I talk about Bing and some of the cool ways of using it to find very specific web pages. I’ll also look at LinkedIn and see how it can be used in different ways to find useful candidates.

The next webinar will be in August, so if you’d like me to email you the details of this, please subscribe to my mailing list or connect with me on LinkedIn.

I run these webinars for free and share what I know through word of mouth. If you find this material useful, I would be very grateful if you can share it with others. Feel free to email anyone you think will be interested in this and use Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin to share it. Please let me know what you think, I’m very happy to receive connections and recommendations through LinkedIn.

You are welcome to explore the rest of this site to see my other webinars, blogs, and a whole range of material on Recruitment Software, especially Intelligence which is the recruitment software database that I create.

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